Thanks, Bayside Community Hub

Bayside Friends of Native Wildlife are most grateful to the Bayside Community Hub for the fantastic fundraising efforts from their Christmas in July event.

FoNW are sharing their bat box making skills with the local 1st/14th joey sea scout group, with joey leader, Rachel Janson, in early September as a Father's Day activity.  Such ideas can be shared with other scout groups too in the future. This involves learning building skills, understanding about a flying mammal that we can usually not see nor hear, plus learning about the diminishing habitat of important local wildlife. Learning to monitor the boxes in homes and heathlands is also a rewarding activity which gets young and old out in the fresh air.
The waterbug mornings planned for Sunday 28 August and 25 September are fascinating for both young and old alike. FoNW have joined the Friends of Elster Creek in monitoring the water for Melbourne Waterwatch and just love peering into the shallow identification trays to sort out interesting invertebrates found in the water samples. The type of bugs found can indicate the health of the water.
Thank you Bayside Community Hub.