
Vale Ian Parsons

Vale Ian Parsons, aged 93.  A life spent close to nature.
Ian Parsons
Ian was a volunteer at Braeside Park for many years, part of Bayside Environmental Friends Network and of course, a life member of Friends of Native Wildlife Inc.

Award for Elizabeth Walsh

FoNW Vice President and former President Elizabeth Walsh was conferred the Individual Environmental Award at Bayside City Council's Citizen of the Year ceremony on Australia Day "for championing the cause of Bayside’s wildlife and habitat for many decades".

Congratulations Elizabeth!

Elizabeth Walsh with family

Elizabeth Walsh with family

Frogs are back!

Our Frog Watch in Sandringham Golf Course and some other locations was loud, the busiest for the year.

6 to 8 brown tree frogs
20+ spotted marsh frogs
10+ common froglets
20+ eastern banjo frogs (pobblebonks)

Sign up for next month's Frog Watch. Limited numbers for these events.

Eastern Banjo Frog (Pobblebonk)

Bat Detector Bulk Purchase

For those who want to find microbats themselves.

At our last microbat event at Long Hollow, several people expressed interest in owning their own Baton Bat Detector. FoNW are about to purchase some more. Purchasing multiple detectors means we qualify for a discount. If you've wanted to own your own detector that you can use anywhere, anytime, now's your opportunity to get one at a discount by piggybacking on our order.

Register your interest by 13 December.

Long Hollow Bats put on a show

Thanks to all who came to our microbat walk at Long Hollow Heathland on Saturday night (11 Nov).

It was perfect weather, and the bats didn't disappoint. They were flying laps above our heads, and our bat detectors were chirping away.

Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed of future events.


VICFLORA is a comprehensive and current guide to the wild plants of Victoria. With plant profiles, identification tools and richly illustrated, the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria provides this resource free-of-charge for land managers, scientists, students and indeed anyone with an interest in Victorian plants.

Waterbowl Helpers Wanted!

Our Waterbowls Project is simple way you can help our local wildlife. There are twenty waterbowls along the foreshore of Bayside, which are regularly used by wildlife, especially in the summer months. We are looking for additional people to help our team check, clean and refill them regularly. You can choose a location that's convenient for you - it may be somewhere you already walk often.

Contact us to learn more.


Committee 2016

Back row: Denis Young, Geoffrey Daniel, Paul Foxworthy, Adam Burrowes
Front row: Sally Eldridge, Anne Jessel, Elizabeth Walsh

Wild In Bayside: Bats meeting

We are very pleased with the response to our first "Wild In Bayside" meeting, held on Monday 31 August. Thanks to all who made the effort to come out on a cold evening to learn about microbats and our Batting4Bayside project.

Guest speak Robert Bender talked about his experiences in bat monitoring projects at Organ Pipes National Park and Wilson Reserve in Ivanhoe.

Bronzewing Habitat Planting Very Satisfying

A sunny Saturday morning with helpers planting out 320 grasses, shrubs and small trees which bare seeds that the bronzewing pigeons love. One of their favourite foods, the Ruby Saltbush was planted in abundance (see photo below showing a stray yellow golf ball for scale).

We have one pair that seem to call the area their home with the male checking us out by landing right in the middle of 2 volunteers as they planted. Hoping he was saying thank you.

So much is happening!

A lot has been happening, thanks to the growing number of people wanting to be involved in helping the local native wildlife.

Dendy Park - Batting4Bayside finds Microbats

What a wonderful turnout. All the planning and volunteer support of many weeks, culminated in approximately 70 adults and children having a splendid evening on Saturday, 21st March 2015.
